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Photo ID

To verify and secure your account, please upload a clear photo of your official ID card. Ensure all information is visible and legible.

Take a selfie

For security purposes, we require you to take a selfie holding a piece of paper that clearly displays the following:

  • 333gallery.com
  • The current date
  • Your signature
  • Please ensure that your face is clearly visible in the selfie. This step is essential for account verification.


    Registration Complete

    Thank you for registering with us! Your registration is complete, but before you can access your account, it needs to undergo an approval process.

    This is to ensure the quality and security of our platform. Our team is diligently reviewing your registration, and you will be notified once your account is approved via email.

    We appreciate your patience. If you have any urgent inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

    [email protected].

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