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Is it Thai?

Is it Thai? : The artwork is inspired by questioning the definition of “Thainess,” a concept rooted in tradition and established long ago. As time has passed and society has evolved, the younger generation has begun to question the traditional values of Thainess that they have been taught since childhood. This includes exploring Thai religious beliefs, cultural traditions, and architecture, all of which reflect the identity of Thainess.

Conservatives are very strict about preserving everything according to the customs they deem correct and proper. However, a deeper investigation reveals that the elements that have come together to form the identity of Thainess are actually influenced by other cultures, such as Chinese and Indian.

Thus, the question of what truly defines “authentic Thai” arises and is presented through various works featured in this exhibition. These works aim to expose the diverse nature of Thainess and bring it closer to contemporary ideas.

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Bannaros Atichattumrong
Thriller – Solo Exhibition of Kajonsak Rungsuriyan

“Thriller” is not just an exhibition; it’s a cinematic adventure where each artwork serves as a frame, unfolding a mesmerizing story. Kajonsak Rungsuriyan, a artist of contemporary art and visual storytelling, invites you to explore the unexpected and the extraordinary.

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‘The Colour Blue Dream’

Atjima explores the human’s perspectives towards the blue colour in a series of paintings. Deeply connected with the body of water humans have experienced throughout history

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I wasn’t born in Italy in my former life, nor does my life in the present day attend Silpakorn University. However, I love dwelling in Prof. Silpa Bhirasri’s office which is currently open as a museum without paying an entrance fee. My office is pretty close to this place in the Tha-Pra-Chan area. When I don’t feel hungry or feel like skipping my job during the
It’s quite clear in my mind that it happened at the beginning of 2013 while I was glancing around my bedroom after waking up in the morning. I found out that the wall beside the TV set was blank.  ‘I should have something on the wall,’ thought to myself. In the evening on that day, I went to see my senior and told her about my irritating feeling, so she suggested that I should make a visit to her boyfriend. He was an art collector. Perhaps, there might be something that could curb my irritation or some good advice. A few days later, I dropped by at his place. With his mercy, he invited me through several rooms where exquisite art pieces from Thai artists had been mounted on the walls including sculptures standing in the room. Some were well-known among collectors. But to me, they just looked fine as I didn’t have any background of art nor art appreciation at all. I hadn’t heard of most of the artists except Thawan Datchanee and Chalermchai Kositpipat who were frequently on screen or TV programs.
Many years ago, I obtained a painting of a lady wearing Sabai, the traditional Thai style breast-cloth, playing a stringed instrument in a sitting position. The owner claimed that this picture was painted by Chakrabhand Posayakrit while he was studying in a secondary school. At that time, it’s quite unbelievable that a student could portray a breathtaking picture like this. Therefore, I needed some confirmation from the actual artist whether this picture was genuine or not. Without any reluctance, I made an appointment with my senior to ‘The Chakrabhand Posayakrit Foundation’ near Big C Hypermarket Ekamai Branch where we parked our car.
One day, an anonymous letter reached one of my dear relatives at his office without any advance notice. The content of the letter described that the writer knew that my relative is fond of artworks and an enthusiastic collector. The writer would like to sell his father’s collectibles which are painted by well-known artists: Fua Haripitak, Thawee Nandakwang, and Suchao Sitkanes. These artists have been highly regarded as the finest ones in the Thai art sphere and their works are the most-wanted among the collectors like Benjapakee Set, the most popular Buddhist amulet set among Thai people. Therefore, my relative passed this information and asked my help to accompany him to the place whether those paintings are worth interesting enough or not.
Dating back to my youth, I often accompanied my parents to temples (with waddling steps and half-sleeping moods) a conventional Thai practice. At the time, going to the temple was not enjoyable. Every temple had something in common, such as the ordination halls, monks, monks’ cubicles, and dogs. I started going to the temple purposefully when I grew up. It’s not that I was excited about Dhamma, meditating, preaching, or praying. Frankly speaking, I like to wander around the temple because I like to explore the architectural styles, particularly the wall paintings. According to my love for contemporary art, one of my favourite paintings is of the legendary master Krua.

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