Home > Is it Thai?
Is it Thai?
Is it Thai? : The artwork is inspired by questioning the definition of "Thainess," a concept rooted in tradition and established long ago. As time has passed and society has evolved, the younger generation has begun to question the traditional values of Thainess that they have been taught since childhood. This includes exploring Thai religious beliefs, cultural traditions, and architecture, all of which reflect the identity of Thainess.
Conservatives are very strict about preserving everything according to the customs they deem correct and proper. However, a deeper investigation reveals that the elements that have come together to form the identity of Thainess are actually influenced by other cultures, such as Chinese and Indian.
Thus, the question of what truly defines "authentic Thai" arises and is presented through various works featured in this exhibition. These works aim to expose the diverse nature of Thainess and bring it closer to contemporary ideas.
Mixed Media
New Movements in Traditional Thai Arts no.4 – อุดมคติใหม่ No.4
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